Symptoms  |  Causes  |  Treatment

What is chalazion?

A chalazion is a small lump, or cyst, that develops slowly in the eyelid. It can sometimes look alarming, but it’s usually painless and rarely requires treatment. It typically occurs when a meibomian gland, which produces the oil that helps lubricate the eyes, becomes blocked.

This blockage leads to the accumulation of oil in the gland, causing inflammation and the formation of a firm, painless bump on the eyelid.

What causes chalazion?

An abnormality in the eye’s drainage system can cause fluid to build up, leading to excessive pressure that causes damage to the optic nerve. The optic nerve is a bundle of nerve fibers that connects the retina with the brain. This damage leads to loss of eyesight.

Glaucoma typically develops when this increased pressure damages the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain, and harms the nerve fibres from the retina, the light-sensitive nerve tissue that lines the back of the eye.

In acute glaucoma cases this pressure rises rapidly to higher levels, even causing pain.

Chalazion symptoms

Common symptoms of include:

  •   Lump on the Eyelid: The most noticeable symptom is a small, round lump or swelling on the eyelid. It can be tender to the touch
  •   Eyelid Swelling: The affected eyelid may appear swollen or puffy
  •   Redness: There might be redness around the lump, especially if it's irritated or infected
  •   Blurry Vision: In some cases, if the chalazion is large enough and presses on the eye, it might cause blurry vision
  •   Tearing: Excessive tearing or watering of the eye might occur, particularly if the chalazion is irritating the eye
  •   Discomfort: While chalazia are typically painless, they can cause discomfort due to their presence on the eyelid or if they become infected

Treatment for chalazion 

Warm Compresses
Applying warm compresses to the affected eyelid can help soften the oil in the blocked gland, promoting drainage and reducing inflammation.

Eyelid Massage
Gently massaging the eyelid may aid in the drainage of the blocked gland.

Maintain Lid Hygiene
Keeping the eyelids clean is important to prevent further blockages. This can be achieved through gentle cleaning with a mild, non-irritating cleanser.

Prescription Medications
In some cases, a healthcare professional may prescribe antibiotic ointments or steroid injections to reduce inflammation.

Surgical Drainage
If conservative measures are ineffective, a healthcare provider may perform a minor surgical procedure to drain the chalazion.

It's crucial to consult with your trusted Spec-Savers Optometrist if you suspect you have a chalazion or any other eye condition. They can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend an appropriate course of treatment based on the severity and individual characteristics of the condition.


View the full guide to eye health, conditions and symptoms