What is keratoconus?

Keratoconus is a progressive eye disease where the cornea thins and bulges into a cone-like shape causing poor vision. 


What causes keratoconus?

Keratoconus is a complex condition and its cause is not yet understood. Although it has been thought that certain factors can play a significant role. These include:

  • Family members who have the condition
  • Underlying allergies
  • Conditions that cause excessive eye rubbing – which could weaken the cornea
  • Changes in hormone levels, such as those that occur during puberty, pregnancy, or hormonal therapy, may affect the cornea's structure and contribute to the development of keratoconus in susceptible individuals.

While these factors may increase the likelihood of developing keratoconus, the condition can still occur in individuals without any known risk factors.


Keratoconus symptoms

Keratoconus often affects both eyes and in its early stages, keratoconus symptoms can include:

  •   Mild blurring of vision
  •   Slightly distorted vision, with some parts clear and some parts blurry
  •   Increased sensitivity to light and glare

In a small number of cases, keratoconus continues to progress. Symptoms include:

  •   Very blurry and distorted vision
  •   Eye pain
  •   Increased near‑sightedness or astigmatism

View the full guide to eye health, conditions and symptoms