How healthy is your heart?

How healthy is your heart?

A healthy heart is the secret to a longer life. Yet armed with this head knowledge heart disease is still the leading cause of death worldwide. This is because anyone can develop heart disease. The good news is that there is also a lot you can do to prevent heart disease.

Firstly, know what you’ve got to work with.

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Below is a list of points that will act as indications of the current state of your heart. Signs to assess the state of your heart health are;

  • Heart rate (pulse) – your resting heart rate should be between 60-100 beats per minute. If your resting heart rate is on the high range of normal it is advisable to see your doctor. On the other hand, if you regularly exercise your resting heart rate can be as low as 40 beats per minute. To measure your pulse place two fingers on the side of your neck under your jawbone. Count how many times you feel a beat under your fingers in 60 seconds and that is your heart rate.
  • Blood pressure – These numbers indicate the pressure that is exerted as your blood moves through your heart and arteries. Ask your doctor or clinic sister if your blood pressure is in the normal ranged according to your individual weight and size at your next appointment.
  • Energy levels – this speaks of more than being or feeling tired. It is concerning if daily chores are an effort, leaving you out of breath. This could indicate that your heart is having trouble and you should contact your doctor.
  • Cholesterol – your body needs cholesterol to function, but too much LDL (bad) cholesterol can build up in the walls of your arteries and restrict blood flow. This restriction of blood flow puts a person at risk of a stroke, as well as the risk of developing various cardiovascular diseases rises.
  • Good oral health – Surprisingly the oral health and heart health are linked. This is because the bacteria that live in your mouth when you have gum disease can cross over into your blood stream, this infected blood can then infect the vulnerable heart valves leading to heart disease.

Secondly, activate steps that help prevent heart disease

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Now that you know the current health of your heart, what can you do to better protect your heart? Actively pursue a healthy heart lifestyle by:

  • Eating a healthy diet.
  • Do eat
    • Whole grains.
    • Fresh fruit.
    • Vegetables such as leafy greens.
    • Protein rich food.
    • Good oils and fats. Think of seeds, salmon and avocado.
  • Don’t eat
    • Foods high is sodium (salt). Flavour your foods with herbs and spices instead.
    • Processed meats and fast food.
    • Fried food.
    • Refined sugars, sweetened drinks, snacks, and sweets are the major sources of added sugars consumed that lead to an array of health complications.

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  • Getting active, get your heart pumping each day by doing 30 minutes of cardio.
  • Staying at a healthy weight for your hight and bone structure.
  • Quit smoking and stay away from second-hand smoke.
  • Control your cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Drink alcohol only in moderation.
  • Manage your stress levels.
  • Be mindful of medications side effects.

Having a family history of heart disease also affects your risk for the disease. There are different types of heart disease, including coronary artery disease, heart failure, and arrhythmias (unusual rhythms of the heart). Get assessed by a health care practitioner regularly if you have or had parents who have suffered from any form of heart disease.

Be aware of your bodies current health and let that be your motivation to begin or continue taking the steps of protecting your heart. Actively pursuing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are the keys to a healthy heart.

Date Published: 
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